Interests & projects

Currently PhD Candidate at ESADE, Barcelona – Advisor: Prof. Jordi Quoidbach

My research interests lie in the field of Behavioral Science, Organizational Behavior, and Management. 


Di Stasi, M., Templeton, E., and Quoidbach, J. “Zooming Out on Bargaining Tables: Exploring Which Conversation Dynamics Predict Negotiation Outcomes”. Journal of Applied Psychology. Advance online publication.

Working Papers

Di Stasi, M., Brooks, A. W., & Quoidbach, J. “Asking Open-Ended Questions Increases Personal Gains in Negotiations”. In preparation for Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. [pdf]

Di Stasi, M., Schweinsberg, M., & Quoidbach, J. “Daily Negotiation and Its Effects on Short and Longer-term Well-being”. In preparation for Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. [pdf]

Other Projects

“When Interruptions Benefit or Hurt Conversations” with Alison Wood Brooks, Michael Yeomans & Hanne Collins. Data analysis in process.

“Which Type of Questions are Most Successful in Sales Calls” with Alison Wood Brooks, Michael Yeomans, Hanne Collins & Nicole Abi-Esber. Data analysis in process.

“Emotional Dynamics of Facial Expressions in Negotiation” with Alexander Krieg & Jordi Quoidbach. In preparation.

“Word Choice When Making First Offers in Distributive Negotiations” with Jordi Quoidbach. Data analysis in process.

“The Effect of Video Call Backgrounds on Ability to Claim Value in Negotiations” with Ipek Ozer & Ana Valenzuela. Data collection in process.

“Multiplicity and diversity: a key to learn innovation” with Mireia Sierra. Data analysis in process.

Macro Themes of My Interests


Everything related to joint decision making between interdependent individuals with divergent interests (Pruitt, 1998).


  • Wellbeing
  • Social functional role
  • Regulation


  • Conversational dynamics
  • Prosodic cues
  • Content and functional words


  • Artificial Inteligence
  • Neural recognition of facial expressions
  • Speech and text analyses
  • Interpersonal role of technology

Pictures from Jo Milne